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Maitri Family Wellness

Welcome, thank you for being here!

We are a Somatic Wellness Practice in

Fort Collins serving the community through

an integrative, body-centered approach.

Our practice is focused on compassionate,

attuned care that meets the unique needs

of each individual and family.

We offer therapeutic Somatic sessions to clients of all ages and in all life stages.


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Sessions for infants & Children

Click here for session descriptions and scheduling

single session- home visit

5 Se​ssion series



single session- pediatric

5 Session Series-​ pediatric



Welcome to a nurturing space where your child's comfort and vitality are ​the top priorities. Tierra has specialized in Biodynamic Craniosacral The​rapy (BCST) for infants and children. Through gentle touch and intuitive​ care, BCST offers a holistic approach to addressing common challen​ges such as colic, sleep issues, and feeding difficulties. For older childre​n, BCST can also provide support with conditions like anxiety, ADHD, ​and sensory sensitivities. Join us in nurturing your child's natural state of ​well-being. Schedule a session today and witness the transformative po​wer of BCST in your little ​one's life!


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Sessions for TEENS & adults

Click here for session descriptions and scheduling

Single Session- adult

5 session series



Somatic Counseling Session (90 Min)

Single Session

5 s​ession series



Step into a sanctuary where your deepest well-being is nurtured and ​supported . At Maitri Family Wellness, Tierra offers BCST to adults​, too! Through gentle touch and intuitive care, BCST offers a ho​listic approach to addressing common challenges such as chronic​ pain, stress, and emotional challenges and overwhelm. Experience ​relief while discovering a sustainable sense of relaxation and vit​ality. Discover the ease that grows from nurturing your body's ​innate healing abilities. We look forward to sharing this subtle, but pow​erful, modality with ​you!.


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Sessions for infants & Children

Click here for session descriptions and scheduling

In-Home Pediatric Acutherapy

single session- home visit

5 Se​ssion series



In​ Office Pediatric AcuTherapy

single session- pediatric

5 Session Series-​ pediatric



At Maitri Family Wellness, Jimmy offers specialized puncture free ​Shonishin (needle free acupuncture) and Moxabustion for Infants and​ Children. Shonishin can alleviate many common conditions and ailments​ that keep our kids from feeling their best. This includes things like belly​ aches, constipation, fussiness and colic, low weight gain, anxiety and​ tension, food intolerances, allergies, and more.​

Shonishin balances kiddos physical and mental bodies and helps kids to​ thrive and often relieves and alleviates common conditions that Western​ Medicine does not have effective treatments for.​


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Tierra Lynn

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Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, Somatic Practitioner

Hello, I'm Tierra, a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Somatic Practitioner, and the heart behind Maitri Family Wellness.

My journey into the world of somatic healing work has been a profoundly satisfying personal and professional odyssey, shaped by my ​own life experiences and my relentless pursuit of understanding the depth and intricacies of the human experience.

My work centers on Somatic Healing, a practice offering embodied tools for trauma healing, nervous system regulation, and a deeper ​sense of presence. I believe deeply in the power of these practices to heal the whole person, from baby to adult, and have seen the ​positive impacts of this work on countless folks and families in our community.

My expertise draws from a deep and diverse well of knowledge, encompassing energy medicine, midwifery, somatic practices, psychology, trauma healing, personal growth, mindfulness ​and more. I am dedicated to helping individuals of all ages in discovering their innate health and wholeness. My work is informed by a wide spectrum of practices and goes beyond ​somatic trauma healing, exploring realms of personal growth and transformation. My diverse professional training includes insights from spiritual teachers, traditional educators, ​indigenous healers, wise elders, and trauma experts. Nature has also been an ever-present teacher and guide for me, always reminding me of our inner wisdom and knowing.

In 2018, after the birth of my fourth child, I began a deeper exploration of Craniosacral Biodynamics, Somatic Therapy, and Pre/Perinatal Therapy, studying with many well-known ​teachers in these fields. This deep dive has shaped and guided the offerings you see now. Before becoming a Somatic Practitioner, I spent over a decade as a birth attendant, serving ​families as they gave themselves over to the transformational journey of childbirth. This experience gave me firsthand insight into the impact of our earliest experiences on our present ​lives and fueled my desire to support folks in harnessing the inherent wisdom and intelligence that is present within each of us from the very beginning.

This all inevitably led to the creation of Maitri Family Wellness, a space where everyone, especially babies and mothers, can feel safe, welcomed, and celebrated. Receiving attuned, ​integrative support when we are in the perinatal time of life makes a life-long impact on the individual, their family, and ultimately humanity.

Working with babies and small children is a cherished part of my practice, as their pure being and boundless light are a source of inspiration and joy for us all.

Outside of my work, I enjoy immersing myself in nature and embracing a slow, contemplative lifestyle. I am an ocean lover and a forest dweller. I find joy in spending time with my ​children, listening to plants and natural world, and hanging with my dog, Biscuit. I dance. I sing. I travel. I read. I laugh. I cry. I am human, just like you.


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“I always felt very cared for and held both during and after sessions. Specifically, Tierra was flexible and responsive to my needs as they arose moment by moment. With my daughter, Tierra created a playful and soothing environment during sessions. This helped facilitate my daughter’s engagement in the process and the mind/body dialogue. I also really appreciated that Tierra gave me tools and practices to use at home.”

-Kara S.

“The space is wonderfully light, safe and supportive. I felt like I was one with source. I don't know how else to put it. I was taken away from the stress of human existence and suffering to a place of pure Peace. Tierra is a gifted space holder. I'm so grateful for people like her who can facilitate this reconnection with source.”

-Colleen H.

“I am incredibly sensitive to energy of spaces and Maitri Family Wellness, in and of itself is very calming. I can feel the intention that is put into the space and it is reflected the instant I walk in. I would just hang out there with a cup of tea all day if I could. I feel held there. A notable difference is felt from when I first walk in to the time I leave. After a session it's difficult to get off the table I am so relaxed and at ease.”

-Ashley V.

“During BCST you are held energetically and physically. The practitioner is a witnesser and holder of the space. She helped me to slow down and notice my body and reconnect to the world around me. It was profound to be held by another person in such a high-integrity yet intimate way. The connection was healing and I left with a greater understanding of the power of human touch and energy work.”

-Kelly K.

"Tierra, the magic!!!! Today is the first day in almost 1 1/2 months that I've only had ONE (TBI) symptom and it's intensity is barely noticeable. I'm in awe and overwhelmed with gratitude and hope. I also feel like the new wisdom is poking through and am starting to give myself permission to be imaginative when considering if I want to "go back to normal" or welcome a new definition of that which is even better. WOW! Thank you for ushering in this gift!!!

-Danielle M.

“I felt welcomed as I was, which I came to my session feeling really depleted and stressed out. I felt comfortable sharing what was going on and processing afterwards was helpful. I especially appreciated hearing the reflections about what came up from a practitioner perspective during my sessions as I find mirroring very insightful. The advice I received was helpful and practical.”

-Anonymous Client


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Our office is located in beautiful Old Town, Fort Collins!

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Magnolia St
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Howes St
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Mulberry St
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College Ave
East Direction
Address Icon

412 S Howes Street

Suite A3, Upstairs

Fort Collins CO, 80525

Email Sign Icon

Phone Number Icon


The entrance is on the North side of the building facing

US Bank. Our door is marked ‘A’.

Please park in the lot on the East Side of our Building.

Note: Stairs are required to access our office.


As a Craniosacral Therapist and Somatic Practitioner, I am not providing mental health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional diseases or conditions. I am not a licensed counselor or therapist, nor do I hold any credentials or degrees in psychotherapy or related fields.